법률적 상태별 나라별 사람 영어로
- People by nationality and legal status
- 상태별 나라별 사람: People by nationality and status
- 나라별 사람: People by nationality
- 사람: 사람1 [인류] man; mankind. ~은 물이
- 나라별 상태별 사람: People by status and nationality
- 사람의 법률적 상태: People by legal status
- 상태별 나라: Countries by status
- 상태별 사람: People by status
- 상태별 일본 사람: Japanese people by legal status
- 의학적 상태별 사람: People by medical or psychological condition
- 상태별 리투아니아 사람: Lithuanian people by legal status
- 나라별 법률가: Jurists by nationality
- 법률적 수단: law
- 법률적 절차: law
- 상태별 건축물: Buildings and structures by condition
- 상태별 화산: Volcanoes by status